We need your help!

Our next podcast program “Into the Unknown” is taking shape, but we need your help funding it! As a listener supported non-profit, we rely 100% on the generous donations of listeners like you!

Into The Unknown

We will delve deep into the essence of mission work. Join us as we uncover the true meaning behind stepping out in faith, guided by the Holy Spirit, and embrace the unknown. Get ready to hear firsthand accounts from missionaries across the globe and right here at home, as they share their experiences and insights on being ambassadors for Christ.


To amplify the voices of Christ followers globally across various media platforms, advancing the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.

  • Through Podcasts

    It all begins with good solid biblical teaching. Add in some passion and humor and you have the best podcasts by ministers, missionaries, and Christian musicians out there! Learn more about what the bible teaches us, experience what goes on with missionaries allover the world, engage in worship as you never have before.

  • Through Video

    We are just getting started, and soon you’ll experience the stories of Christ’s Majesty and Glory through storytelling that’s sure to leave a memorable mark on your spirit. Experience the life of a missionary, witness the life changing hand of God across the world. Join in on the Great Commission as you learn more about what it means to follow Christ.

  • Through Fellowship

    It all begins with a commitment to make a difference. We are devoted to giving back to those who care for us in the church. Come along side as we facilitate opportunities for ministers and church leadership to replenish their “spiritual tank” in events designed to support and guide them through the spiritual warfare they experience daily.